Family treasure hunt - Grasse, city of Art and History
Découvrez Grasse autrement à l'aide des conseils du guide-conférencier et d'un livret jeu !
Vous sillonnerez les rues à la recherche d'indices pour répondre aux différentes énigmes qui vous seront posées.
All year round
Opening hours daily between 9 am and 12 pm and between 2 pm and 4.30 pm. except on January 1st, Easter Monday, Feast of the Ascension, Whit Monday, May 1st, May 8th, July 14th, August 15th, November 1st, November 11th and December 25th.
Booking required.
Adult: 4 €.
Discover also
Maison du Patrimoine - Heritage Center
The Maison du Patrimoine (Heritage Center) hosts exhibition spaces and educational workshops: essential and inseparable elements of heritage mediation, core business of the national network of Cities and Countries of Art and History (VPAH).