Via Cordata
The Via Cordata: a magnificent route going crescendo with a minimum of physical condition.
Abseiling descents, there is no water, no jumps, but we take advantage of other games: Aerial handrails, zip lines, acrobatic abseils. There are several ways to approach the dry canyon: By discovering nature and activity or by perfecting your techniques.
All year round, daily.
Discover also
Via Ferrata Underground
The Via Ferrata Underground: * A WORLD FIRST * which allows to discover two activities at the same time: Via Ferrata and speleology.
The activity is practiced at the Parc de la Moulière in the town of Caille in the high country of Grasse.
Dans la Plaine de Caille
Cette promenade facile d’accès permettra d’observer la flore des champs et des prairies humides.